It seems like CBD oil is everywhere these days. From your local drug store to your chiropractor, everyone is trying to sell you the next new miracle drug?
But is it the next new miracle drug? And how can you be sure you’re getting the real deal when it comes to pure CBD oil?

You want to buy the best on the market. But you also want ease and convenience. Unfortunately, sometimes you just can’t have them both. And when it comes to CBD oil Amazon is not where you want to get it.
But don’t worry, we’ll bring you the latest information and show you how you can spot a scam. Don’t get ripped off buying an imposter. Keep reading to ensure you get the real deal when it comes to CBD products.
Before you buy any new product you need to be sure you’re getting a good deal. Who cares how cheap a watch is if it’s a knock off that won’t work next month. The same is true when you want to buy CBD oil.
With the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, it is now legal to grow and sell hemp in all 50 states. This is good news for those who can benefit from the health aspects of CBD products. However, as always, there are unfortunately less than ethical retailers selling products with little to no CBD in their products.
There are several online retailers selling CBD oil. Some are legitimate and transparent when it comes to their product. Unfortunately, others are not and want to make a quick buck off people who want an all-natural product that helps with their chronic pain or anxiety.
So beware who you buy from. Ask for results from their third-party lab testing. And if they don’t have this, move on to a legitimate retailer who will provide this information.
Just as you need to beware of any product you’re buying, this is especially more so true when it comes to CBD products. The FDA doesn’t regulate the CBD industry. Therefore, there are a lot of scams on the internet today trying to sell you a shoddy product.
Buying your CBD products on Amazon can get even more tricky. You don’t know who you’re buying from and if it even has CBD in their CBD products. Stick to legitimate retailers with their own website who provide their testing results so you know you’re getting a quality product.
Unfortunately, Amazon has taken a conservative stance against CBD products. They have banned selling CBD products. Technically, retailers are only allowed to sell hemp oil which sounds close enough, but it isn’t. Hemp seed oil has many great uses but it does not have the same healing qualities as pure full-spectrum CBD oil.
We know you want convenience when it comes to shopping And it’s so convenient to add some CBD oil to your Amazon purchase knowing it will arrive in a few days. However, when it comes to your CBD oil Amazon should not be your retailer of choice.
CBD oil is a great product. And you’re suffering from chronic aches and pains, then you know that the options from your doctor come with serious side effects. Choosing a quality and all-natural product to help you is a great first step to getting your life back. But you also need to be sure you’re getting the real deal so you can see the maximum results.
In order to ensure you’re getting the real deal from your supplier of CBD oil, be sure to ask the right questions. Look on their website for their third party lab testing results.
This is very important since the CBD oil industry isn’t regulated by the government. Legitimate and transparent companies are doing this testing themselves and making the information available on their website.
The CBD oil industry has exploded lately. And their products are everywhere promising results that are unfounded and illegitimate. However, there are good companies out there that want to provide the best product they can. And they won’t stoop to making outlandish promises that aren’t backed by science. Do your research and find a company you can trust.
We hope that you choose us here at Rocky Ridge Hemp. We are committed to growing quality plants organically. We’re committed to testing all our products to ensure you’re getting the real deal you paid for. So, don’t sacrifice quality for convenience when it comes to buying your CBD products. The CBD oil Amazon is selling might be legitimate, but it might not be. Why take the risk?
If you still have questions for us about the legitimacy of our products, contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.