The American market for CBD products is anticipated to reach $22 Billion by 2022. Yet amidst Americans’ rush to embrace CBD oil and related products, there is widespread and noticeable lack of CBD education and literacy.
Some of this comes from wild marketing claims irresponsibly made by unscrupulous or overly enthusiastic product producers. Some of it has to do with the still-emerging nature of scientific research into CBD and its uses. Where can you go to find out the truth?
Keep reading now to find out what medical professionals are really saying about CBD.
Perhaps one of the most important things to know when exploring the topic of CBD is that there is a great deal we still don’t know. By medical standards, CBD products are still relatively new.
While CBD products are a hotbed of research right now, there is an unavoidable lag between the introduction and use of new products and the publication of scientific studies and medical recommendations related to their efficacy and use.
So while we know a lot already, the science and research on the topic are still actively evolving.
One of the biggest challenges to research is the inconsistency of the products on the market. To say that not all CBD products are created equal would be an understatement.
For example, a study from 2017 looked at nearly 100 CBD products on the market produced by more than 30 companies. It found that 69 percent contained different levels of CBD than their labels suggested. Almost 20 percent contained THC.
Similarly, a study published in 2018 discovered that the largest daily recommended doses of CBD were more than 15 times higher than the lowest recommended doses.
The vast differences in seemingly similar CBD products happen in part because current regulations do not enforce any consistency. Largely, this is because research is still catching up with usage.
Many world-class physicians have already begun using CBD products with their patients based on the limited information that we have because they believe the early research is too promising to wait. But until enough research is completed and published for medical and commercial authorities to base their rulings on, inconsistencies will continue.
In the meantime, it remains up to customers to read labels carefully and question suppliers themselves to make sure they understand what they are purchasing.
What medical professionals can tell us about CBD is that it impacts the body via the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a signaling network in our bodies that influences the:
Central Nervous System
Immune system
Inflammatory responses
Our bodies produce their own natural endocannabinoids. According to an NIH study, CBD works by reducing our bodies’ abilities to absorb those naturally produced chemicals.
Studies suggest that this helps the whole ESC system function better, which users experience as reduced anxiety and a welcome sense of calmness.
This evidence of enhanced ECS function is also why studies are currently underwayexploring the possibility of using CBD to treat conditions like autism.
While there are not very well-defined guidelines on who should or should not use CBD, medical professionals are clear on two points. First, CBD is not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Second, it should only be used under a doctor’s supervision by patients taking certain medications.
PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING WOMEN - THC can travel into fetuses through the placenta and into newborns via breast milk. Unless or until studies can prove otherwise, doctors are forced to assume that CBD can as well.
Since we do not yet have science proving that CBD is entirely safe for developing fetuses and infants, doctors recommend that pregnant and nursing women avoid CBD products until they are proven safe.
PATIENTS TAKING CERTAIN MEDICATIONS - Using CBD products can alter your ability to absorb and process certain prescription medications. As a result, medical professionals advise patients taking such medications not to use CBD products or to use them only under medical supervision. Examples of affected medications include, but are not limited to:
HIV antivirals
CBD education aside, anyone taking prescription medications should speak to their doctor before consuming any vitamins, supplements, foods, or other products that might interfere with their medication.
Doctors and researchers have a great deal to say about users’ most common CBD questions as well. Here a few of the most frequently questioned facts about CBD.
IS CBD ADDICTIVE? - Research shows that CBD is not addictive. In fact, CBD therapy is sometimes used to help treat cannabis addiction.
The addictive psychoactive substance in cannabis is THC. Users concerned about possible addiction should screen CBD products carefully and select only those that contain no THC.
IS CBD A PLACEBO? - It is not impossible for CBD to act as a placebo. Placebos can have real benefits to health and almost anything can serve as a placebo in the right circumstances. With that said, CBD is proven to biochemically impact your body’s ECS system. It has legitimate and measurable effects on your health and well-being.
DOES CBD REDUCE NAUSEA? - The link between CBD and nausea is of strong interest to many people undergoing cancer treatment, particularly in areas where medical marijuana has not yet been legalized. Many doctors initially began recommending CBD products because there is some evidence that they enhance the effectiveness of traditional cancer treatments. In doing so, they discovered that CBD products offer many of the same anti-nausea benefits of medical marijuana. To this end, many doctors recommend CBD to patients struggling with nausea from a variety of causes.
CBD education will continue to evolve as more studies emerge. In the meantime, there is more than enough evidence to demonstrate that high-quality CBD products are safe and effective for many people.
If you have questions about finding the right CBD products for your needs, contact us today. Our in-house experts will be happy to help you explore what CBD can do for you.