At Rocky Ridge Hemp Co., we are ecstatic to be at the forefront of the hemp industry. Our team takes pride in growing hemp for high-quality cannabidiol (CBD) products, and as some of the new industry’s early pioneers, we have quickly become experts on hemp and CBD. Since we are experts on CBD and the hemp industry was only recently reborn, people often ask the team at Rocky Ridge Hemp Co. numerous questions about CBD and hemp.
In today’s blog post, we will take some time to discuss some of these common questions regarding CBD. Keep reading to learn more about CBD, and remember to choose Rocky Ridge Hemp Co. if you would like to purchase hemp extract oil or another CBD product. We are thrilled to grow hemp so that you can reap the benefits of using CBD.
Due to its prevalence in recent political history, you have probably at least heard of CBD. That said, many people are still not aware of what exactly CBD is and how it is different from related topics they hear discussed, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp, and marijuana. Learning what CBD is and what makes it different from THC, hemp, and marijuana can help you determine if you could benefit from using CBD products.
CBD is a cannabinoid, which is a type of chemical compound. It may surprise you to learn that some cannabinoids naturally occur in the human body’s endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids that are naturally found in the human body are called endocannabinoids, while those found in plants such as hemp are phytocannabinoids. CBD is one of many phytocannabinoids found in cannabis plants, and many people have found CBD to be beneficial to the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate sleep, pain, and other biological phenomena.
THC is also a phytocannabinoid found in cannabis plants. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, so the use of CBD does not lead to intoxication. To learn more about the difference between CBD and THC, feel free to check out our blog post on the topic.
Before discussing the legality of CBD, it will first help to understand the difference between hemp and marijuana. Both hemp and marijuana come from the Cannabis sativa plant, but hemp and marijuana are grown for different purposes. Industrial hemp is defined as cannabis that contains less than 0.3% THC. In contrast, marijuana is often grown to maximize THC levels and can contain much more than 0.3% THC. Both marijuana and hemp contain CBD, but by definition, hemp does not contain enough THC to result in psychoactive effects. This difference makes marijuana the plant that is primarily grown for recreational purposes, while hemp is grown in order to utilize CBD and many of the natural fibers found in the crop.
Since the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the Farm Bill) passed, CBD derived from industrial hemp has been legal throughout the United States. As a result, all of the CBD products from Rocky Ridge Hemp Co. are federally legal because the CBD comes from industrial hemp grown on our Kentucky farm.
People have found CBD to be useful for numerous different purposes. Some choose to use it to help ease physical pain, while others use CBD to regulate sleep or anxiety. There is quite a bit of scientific evidence showing that CBD can be effective in treating forms of childhood epilepsy, and people have reported benefits from using CBD as a supplement.
Ultimately, everyone is different and CBD can be used to try to regulate different things. The endocannabinoid system in the body helps control numerous things, and the exact effect of CBD on that system varies from person to person. That said, many have found CBD to be a beneficial addition to their lives, and you could also experience benefits from using CBD products.
There are various ways to utilize CBD. Many people prefer hemp extract oil, which can be used directly under the tongue or added to beverages. For others, hemp salves and creams work best, as these products allow them to pinpoint where they would like CBD to work. CBD can also be used in edibles such as gummies or CBD-infused honey. With all the ways to try CBD, you are bound to find a way that allows you to utilize it in your life.
At Rocky Ridge Hemp Co., we are ecstatic to offer a wide-range of hemp and CBD products. Whether you are looking for hemp oil drops, CBD gummies, or even CBD pet treats, we have options available to you. Better yet, all of our products come from hemp that is grown on our USDA-certified organic farm in Kentucky, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our products make use of the best extraction methods available. When you choose to try CBD, remember the products from Rocky Ridge Hemp Co.
We hope that today’s blog post has cleared up any confusion you might have had regarding CBD. If you still have questions, then feel free to contact us. We are happy to help the hemp industry move forward and escape the shroud of mystery.